Modification & Enforcement Attorneys

Court orders are legally binding. If your ex-spouse or ex-partner ignores these orders, you have the right to bring the matter before a Florida family court judge. However, you don't have to do it alone. The family law attorneys at Aaron Delgado & Associates, can and will fight for you.

Daytona Beach & DeLand Family Law Attorneys

Our Daytona Beach and DeLand family law attorneys handle enforcement of court orders related to:

  • Child Support Payments — If the other parent is in arrears or you need help collecting child support that is currently due, we can help you collect the payment(s) you are owed.
  • Alimony Payments — If your ex-spouse is not paying you the spousal support ordered by the court, we can take legal action.
  • Child Custody & Parenting Plans — If the other parent is not abiding by the terms of the approved parenting plan or custody arrangement, we can advocate for you.

At Aaron Delgado & Associates, we approach every case with energy and dedication. Together we can determine the best way in which to seek a resolution to your enforcement concern. Contact us today at 386-222-6677 for an initial consultation to find out how we can help.

Modifying Existing Court Orders

Sometimes, life circumstances can significantly change after divorce. When that happens, you may need to request a modification to a court order. Perhaps you lost your job and are no longer able to pay the same amount of child support. Perhaps you are required to relocate to a different state and need to change the days and times you visit your children. We can advise and assist you with all types of modification requests.

Learn More from a Family Law Attorney

Whether you need to modify an existing child custody agreement in order to relocate with your children, or you want to enforce a child support order against a “deadbeat dad” or “deadbeat mom,” our attorneys are here to help.

Learn more about your legal rights and options under Florida family law by scheduling an initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys. Give us a call at at 386-222-6677 or contact us online.

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Our law firm can accommodate Spanish and English speaking clients. Nuestra firma de abogados puede acomodar clientes que hablen Español e Inglés. 386.222.6677

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