A Guide to Traffic Tickets [Infographic]

Aaron Delgado

More likely than not, you have received a traffic ticket yourself, know someone who has, or both. Regardless of your answer, there is more to the life of a traffic ticket than simply being paid while you continue about your business on the road.

A traffic ticket can add points to your license, require you to successfully complete a driving course, and have additional court fees on top of the cost on the ticket. Your insurance policy may raise your rates when they find out about the ticket or refuse to continue covering you. Depending on your circumstances, a ticket can also lead to a suspended—or worse, revoked—driver’s license. Here is what you need to know about traffic tickets before paying the fine and accepting the consequences.

Traffic Tickets Infographic

Florida Guide to Traffic Tickets

What is a traffic violation?

Florida has two basic types of traffic violations:

  • Moving Violations
  • Non-Moving Violations

Moving violations are written for drivers who are believed to have broken one or more traffic laws while their vehicle was in motion. Non-moving violations are written for infractions that occurred while a vehicle was not in motion.

In addition to those two types of traffic violations, there are certain circumstances when a moving violation can become a criminal traffic offense. For example, the following traffic violations are considered criminal traffic violations:

  • Reckless Driving
  • Racing
  • Drunk Driving (DUI)
  • Hit and Run
  • Expired Tags
  • Driving Without a Valid Driver’s License
  • Driving With a Suspended Driver’s License
  • Violating Driver’s License Restrictions

Criminal traffic violations are not always caused by a single traffic offense; habitual offenders can also face criminal charges for repeatedly violating traffic laws.

Most Common Traffic Violations in 2018

We analyzed data from the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) to determine the most common traffic violations in Florida last year. Over the course of 2018, there was a total of 2,964,856 traffic violations issued by city police departments, sheriffs’ offices, Florida Highway Patrol (FHP), and other citation-issuing agencies.

The most common criminal traffic violations in 2018 were:

  1. Driving While License Suspended or Revoked
  2. No / Improper / Expired Driver’s License
  3. DUI
  4. No / Improper / Expired Tag

The most common non-criminal moving violations in 2018 were:

  1. Speeding in Posted Zone
  2. Red Light Camera
  3. Careless Driving
  4. Violation of Traffic Control Device

The most common non-moving violations in 2018 were:

  1. Expired / Failure to Display Vehicle Tag
  2. No Proof of Insurance
  3. Seat Belt Violation
  4. Expired / Failure to Display Driver’s License

How long will a speeding ticket stay on your record in Florida?

In Florida, a speeding ticket will essentially stay on your record forever. Your insurance company may choose not to look back beyond a certain amount of years, but that decision may vary. The best way to try and keep a speeding ticket off your record is to call a traffic lawyer who knows how to beat a speeding ticket. Call 386-222-6677 to discuss the details of your speeding ticket with a traffic lawyer and find out how we may be able to help you.

Texting While Driving in Florida

texting while driving

A recently passed Florida cell phone law made it illegal to text while driving in Florida. This law redefined texting while driving as “manually typing or entering multiple letters, numbers, symbols, or other characters.” It specifically prohibits both sending and reading anything on a cell phone (or other wireless communication device) while operating a motor vehicle.

That means you can no longer legally do any of the following while driving in Florida:

  • Send a Text Message
  • Read an Instant Message
  • Draft an Email
  • Write a Tweet
  • Update Your Facebook Status
  • Reply to an Instagram Comment
  • Read a Snapchat Message
  • Et Cetera

While a first offense for texting while driving is a non-moving violation, a second offense within five years is a moving traffic violation that will add three points to your license and require you to pay several fees.

Florida Driver’s License Points

Florida laws include a point system for traffic violations. Most traffic violations we see carry a penalty of three to six points. While that may not sound like a lot, this point system can quickly turn a handful of minor traffic offenses into a suspended or revoked driver’s license, which has great potential to lead to other issues.

You can see a full list of Florida driver’s license points for traffic violations, including Florida speeding ticket points, on our traffic lawyers page. Keep in mind while reviewing our chart that points on your driver’s license are not the only thing you have to worry about if you’ve received a traffic ticket.

Fighting Traffic Tickets in Daytona Beach & DeLand

Even with a minor traffic offense, following the State’s path of paying your ticket and accepting the consequences can lead to unanticipated consequences, such as your insurance rates increasing. Depending on your circumstances, you may even face a denial of insurance or a license suspension or revocation. At Aaron Delgado & Associates, we know how to get a traffic ticket dismissed. Before you pay your traffic ticket, call a skilled and experienced ticket lawyer at 386-222-6677 to find out what we can do for you.

Fighting Criminal Traffic Violations in Daytona Beach & DeLand

Criminal charges for traffic violations can be very frightening, especially for those who have never been charged with a criminal offense until now. At Aaron Delgado & Associates, we care about our clients and strive to provide each and every one of them with the best defense possible for the unique details of their case.

If you or a loved one have been charged with a criminal traffic violation, such as DUI or driving with a suspended license, you need an experienced criminal defense lawyer on your side. Call us 24/7 at 386-222-6677 to schedule a free consultation with a Daytona Beach or DeLand criminal defense lawyer.

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